
Would you like the to have your brand stand out from the Ethical Fashion crowd?

Did you know?

  • 81% of shoppers conduct online research before making big purchases. (Retailing Today, 2014) 
  • 1 in 10 blog posts are compounding, meaning organic search increases their traffic over time. (HubSpot, 2016) 
  • 80% of users follow a business on Instagram + 75% of Instagram users take action after visiting a post (Hootsuite, 2018)

What does this mean? 

  1. Your customers are searching the internet, reading articles and online guides for information about your business before arriving at your store
  2. Gaining access to your audience through popular niche content production, sponsored posts and directory listings can have compounding effect on referred traffic to your website – more bang for your buck!
  3. By having your social media links featured in your upgraded listing, you greatly increase your opportunity to communicate with and convert your audience into loyal customers

Your Ethical Fashion Review™ featured listing provides viewers with an opportunity to learn more about your business and your why, connect with you on social media and shop any promotions or discounts immediately.

For more information about upgrading your free listing and other marketing and collaboration opportunities, please email sophie@ethicalfashion.net.au or use our Contact Us form.